Dr Fadool Verrassing Az. Rosemary Fadool has a patient experience rating of 4150 based on 100 reviews. Rosemary Fadool DO is a female health care provider in Surprise with Obstetrics Gynecology listed as her primary medical specialization. Rosemary Fadool is an OBGYN near Surprise AZ. She has been practicing in the Phoenix area for over 10 years.
She went to Midwestern University Chicago College Of Osteopathic Med and graduated in 1996 and has 25 years of diverse experience with area of expertise as Obstetricsgynecology. Kendra M Gray Obstetrics Gynecology. Meenal A Misal. Rosemary Fadools office is located at 15515 North Reems Road Suite 101 Surprise AZ 85374. They have private birthing suites with jetted bath tubs in your room. She has been practicing in the Phoenix area for over 10 years.
Her hospital privileges include.
Rosemary Fadool DO is a obstetrics gynecology specialist in Surprise AZ. How do patients rate Dr. She works in Surprise AZ and 1 other location and specializes in Obstetrics Gynecology. Florian Faupel Unfallchirurg in Bad Arolsen Varnhagenstraße 3. She was my daughters doctor and delivered her son at Banner Del Web. Fadool graduated from the Midwestern University-Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1996.